Cyber Security
Security of your data is our top priority!
All contents are for informational purposes only.
Our Security Infrastructure Provider
Trend Micro
As a result of our corporate agreement, the last rule of our firewall is managed by Trend Micro. This rule, which is updated regularly by Trend Micro security experts, provides maximum security to JETRACT users!

Our Firewall Rules
The headers, bodies, URI and Query information, cookies and all other parts of the requests sent to JETRACT servers are scanned for SQL Injection attacks and blocked if they are rejected by the scan.
The headers, bodies, URI and Query information, cookies and all other parts of the requests sent to JETRACT servers are scanned for XSS attacks and blocked if they are rejected by the scan.
The request limit within one minute from a single IP address is set to 2000. The singular IP addresses that exceed this limit are automatically blocked.
All traffic that passes through Load Balancer is stored in an elastic storage area. Within 5 minute intervals, a predetermined Lambda function examines these records and IPs with more than 10 Bad Request (HTTP 400, 401, 403 or 404) responses in one minute automatically added to the blacklist.
This rule automatically connects to the known Blacklist IP providers (spamhaus, torproject and emergingthreats) and updates the Blacklist rules of WAF.
IP addresses that try to obtain information from the JETRACT Application page or scan these pages regularly are redirected to a trap called Honeypot, and their access is restricted. They are not directly added to the Blacklist because delivering 403 error to the bots could damage Google and Yandex bots.
The requests sent to locations that are accessible only to JETRACT authorities are blocked on JETRACT servers. These are directories present in every system such as /admin / mysql /setup.php / bin /.git and so on.